शुक्रबार, २३ फागुन २०८१
English शिक्षामा गत साता

Teachers Shortage - heading to a catastrophe !

Difficulty in finding mathematics, science and English teachers in remote schools, 'boot camp' training for Early Child Development and Education (ECDE) teachers, the annual schedule of the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) and applications for various positions in TU are the news that got the priority last week.

मंगलबार, २५ भदौ २०८१

KATHMANDU - In remote public schools, teachers for mathematics, science and English could not be found despite repeated calls for employment. It was mentioned in the news that public schools are facing big problems due to the lack of teachers. Despite repeated vacancy calls, Gautam Buddha Secondary School (SS) in Phamchet of Rasuwa, Devimandou SS of Chaurpati Rural Municipality (RM) of Achham, Nepal SS of Tarakhola RM of Baglung, Beer Balabhadra Model SS of Rolpa, Thawang were cited as  examples in the news.

According to the Teacher Recruitment and Redistribution Suggestion Taskforce (2018) of Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST), out of 6,500 Secondary School (SS), there are only 71 SS that have positions and teachers of Mathematics, Science and English. But, the government has not even created positions in the last six years. It appears that since the constitution bestowed the responsibility of school education under local governments, no pressure is exerted to federal government for the supply of teachers. Federal government (ministers and other officials) has ignored the fact that they are still responsible for the supply and management of the necessary teachers as this authority is NOT ‘given’ to the Municipalities. 

Soon after the results of Class 8, SEE or Class 12 are published, there is a big hue and cry about the poor outcomes of students in public schools; often teachers are blamed – they defend lamely but the lack of adequate teachers is attributed to poor results. Hardly any question is raised about the government's responsibility to provide necessary teachers. It is certain that the results will not improve until the government can manage necessary teachers in the schools. None of the teachers' unions raise their voice strongly enough on such matters but only on something  that affect their benefits even if it may lower their reputation.

To fulfill the responsibilities given by the constitution, many local bodies have struggled to arrange necessary teachers in the schools on their own ways, but they have had difficulty in finding mathematics, science and English teachers. 

The difficulty in finding teachers for these subjects because of the criteria of 'must have studied the Education and need a Teacher's License' set by the government, only the small number of human resource available who can become teachers. Person who studied those subjects apart from Education needed more qualifications to become teachers because of the criteria.

The impact of brain drain in the country has been blatantly seen here. Now situation is grave where we have to think beyond commenting that teachers are involved in politics and education has deteriorated.

If it is not taken as an imminent national crisis and responded accordingly, existing facilities, career pathways and prestige in no way make teaching an attractive enough profession. Private schools are also likely to face this situation in not so long future. Teaching demands both cognition and endurance. People with such qualities can earn much more from other professions. The reality is that when vacancies are called, there are fewer applications in any subject and many candidates do not pass the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) examination. Perhaps one option is to recruit those who want to teach and provide adequate training rather than looking for intelligent candidates. 

It is experienced that even those who pass the TSC exams take teaching as an easy job although even in public schools, as the demand for quality is increasing, it is difficult to survive taking teaching as an employment opportunity only. It is felt that finding teachers in rural areas is double difficult as the villages do not offer other opportunities. A feeling of missing out all opportunities is further discouraging to become a teacher in remote areas although shortage of teachers is a global phenomenon. 

There was news that the Center for Education and Human Resource Development is making a procedure for the capacity development training of ECDE teachers through the 'Boot Camp' program. The government has allocated a budget of US $ 215 thousand for this programme. Some 1500 ECDE teachers will be trained this year. Vipasana, meditation, song and music are also be included in this training, mentioned the news.

The government is going to start the practice of peer-learning, news published. The government aims to solve the teacher shortage through the practice of upper class students teaching lower class students, mentioned the news.

Peer learning program can help raise the learning level of students with weak learning, but it cannot be a substitute for the teacher, it would be a mistake to consider it as a substitute for the teacher. Government should be accept the fact that the level of learning in public schools is declining because of the lack of sufficient teachers. It is felt that the government is paying attention to public schools only by making necessary efforts to provide teachers, 

It was mentioned in the news that the National Examination Board (NEB) is examining answer sheets of supplementary (or grade increase) exam of Secondary Education Examination (SEE) in 34 centers and bringing them to the center.

Tribhuvan SS in Melung of Dolakha is going to teach 70 students from classes 6 to 10 by putting them in a hostel to improve declining results, the news quoted the principal of the school, Santosh Shrestha. 

There was news that meeting of principals has been conducted in different schools to improve the quality of education in West Aglung of Gulmi. The Ward Education Committee conducted the meeting to improve the educational quality of the public schools in Aglung, news quoted.

There was news that grant funds have been sent to local levels to provide scholarships for underprivileged students. Prime Minister KP Oli wrote on Facebook that the grant of US$ 4.48 million was sent to provide 18 thousand rupees for every underprivileged student of classes 6 to 10 in public schools and Rs 24 thousand annually for those studying science subjects, news mentioned.

Similarly, there was news that the TSC will prepare an annual schedule and conduct examinations for permanent appointment, promotion and teaching license of teachers in public schools. According to the news, Commission's schedule for the financial year 2081-82, applications will be called for secondary in January, lower secondary in February and primary level in May.

Even though it has been 10 years since the government started declaring ‘literate’ districts, it has been reported that 13 districts are yet to be declared so. According to the news, although 64 districts have been declared literate in Nepal, all the districts of Madhesh Province and Mugu, Jumla, Humla, Kalikot and Dolpa districts of Karnali Province are yet to be declared literate. The Federal Government  is sending a budget of 4 lakhs each to the municipalities that are yet to be declared literate, 3 lakhs to the rural municipalities and 2 lakhs to the municipalities that have been declared literate, the news mentioned. Similarly, there was news that Hima RM of Jumla has been declared literate. Among the eight municipalities in the district, Hima has become the first to be declared literate.

The government is preparing to implement uniform academic calendar in all the universities across the country, the news published. The MoEST is going to implement the same type of academic calendar for all the 13 universities operating across the country, news mentioned.

There was news that the suspended Non Objection Certificate (NOC) or study permit of 40 students who are preparing to go to Russia for studies will be issued after the commitment from their parents. Due to the war between Russia and Ukraine, the government had suspended the NOC for those countries. There is a protest saying that it would not be appropriate to stop the NOC for those 40 students who got scholarship from the Russian government.

Tribhuvan University (TU) Examination Control Office Balkhu has called applications to participate in the 50th convocation. The students who have taken transcripts from June 15, 2023 to June 14, 2024 and who have completed their studies during the same period will be eligible to participate in the convocation.

There was news that TU has also called applications for the Dean for eight Faculties, Chiefs of 11 Campuses across the country including three in Kathmandu Valley and six Co-Examination Controllers for Central and Regional Examination Control Offices.

The central office of Yogamaya University, which is going to be established for the purpose of researching in Ayurveda, Yoga, Meditation and Alternative Medicine and Herbs, will be located in Khandbari Municipality of Sankhuwasabha, the news published. The decision of the location of Central Office of the University was finalized in the meeting of the Council of Ministers held on Thursday 29th August 2024, news quoted.

There was news in Gorkhapatra that after the Nepal University Bill specifies the qualifications of Educationists; a legal arrangement is going to be made to determine the qualifications of educationists. In the report of the Bill submitted to the House of Representatives on Thursday by the Parliament's Education, Health and Information Technology Committee mentioned that only a person who has PhD from a university recognized by the Government of Nepal and has at least 10 years of experience in the field of teaching and research will be educationist, news reported.

There will be elections of Free Students Union after 6 years in the central department and one of the campuses of Midwest University, on August 28.

There was news that the Medical Education Commission has realized the error in the MBBS entrance exam results and corrected it. It was mentioned in the news that the merit order of the students who obtained the same marks was based on the roll number and according to the 'tie break' procedure; the ranking was fixed on the basis of the marks obtained in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. There has been a change in the ranking of about 3 thousand students, the news quoted.

Achyut Dahal wrote an article in Gorkhapatra about the fact that the enrollment rate of students in technical institutes across the country is very low and some of the institutes are being closed due to the lack of students.

The purpose of this news review is to classify and synthesize the educational content of the week and provide objective comments from the point of view of social justice and creative pedagogy to the policy makers and stakeholders in one place. In this joint effort of Center for Education Policy and Practice (CEPP) and Edukhbar, the news of daily newspapers Kantipur, Gorkhapatra and The Himalayan Times, online news portals Online Khabar, Setopati and Ratopati and Himalaya TV and Nepal Television from 31 August - 6 September 2024 are covered – The Editor.

Read it in Nepali : शिक्षक पाउनै कठिन

Read last week's content : Last week in education 
