शुक्रबार, ०१ चैत्र २०८१

Technical Education in Nepal : Importance and Challenges

सोमबार, १४ साउन २०७५

Vocational and technical education has been essential part of national development strategies in many societies because of the value on human resource development, productivity and economic development. It holds the key to national development of most nation’s. However, despite its contribution to society and economic development,

Nepalese leaders have not given this aspect of education the attention of desires. This could be one of the reasons for the nation’s underdevelopment. Thus the neglect of vocational and technical education is socially injurious as it rubbing the nation of the contribution the graduates would make on national development.More importantly, the society needs competent auto mechanics, carpenters, plumbers, electrician, Junior Agriculturist &Veterinarian to mention but a few.

Importance of Vocational and Technical Education to Nepalese Economy 

In Nepal people go to school with the belief that education will enable them participate in the society. But from the look of things, full participation in Nepalese society requires vocational and technical education at all levels of our educational system, which will recognize the different skills and abilities and give an equal opportunity to all children to prepare for work. The importance of vocational and technical education in transforming Nepalese economy cannot be over-emphasized. Some of its importance are enumerated as follows:

1. Vocational and technical education help to solve the problems of unemployment and reduces the number of people who depend on government for job. When the youths and adults are trained vocationally or technically, it would enable them to be self-reliant and confidence in different areas such as electrical, plumbing, automobile, computer engineering and agricultural aspect. 

2. Vocational and technical education is always act as a motivating force in individuals to work for the nation because it stimulates technological and industrial development through the production of competent and honest workers who are capable of utilizing the abundant natural and human resources available in a country for economy and industrial growth and development.

3. It helps to bring about rapid economic development. The survival of individuals will ensure the survival of the country as a nation. To continually meet the needs of the present generation means there must be continued economic growth. 

4. Through vocational and technical education, local technology can be developed by indigenous technicians and technologists. It should be emphasized here that every society has its own technically problems. 

5. Vocational and technical education is not left out in agriculture. It is needed to direct those in the sector towards making the farmer an intelligent user of our natural resources.

6. Vocational and technical education is needed in every aspect of our life. The problem of juvenile delinquency and crime can be reduced if the youths are given the necessary vocational training that will keep them busy. 

7. Vocational and technical education is also needed to prevent waste of human resources. So far Nepal has given very little attention to conservation of human resources. It is obvious that the waste of labour by improper employment can be largely avoided through vocational and technical training. Such training is the most potent remedy for unemployment.

8.youth get opportunity in own country no need to go for foreign employment.

Challenges of Vocational and Technical Education

There are many challenges facing the effective programme of Vocational and Technical education in the country. They are as follows: 

Poor Funding: Vocational and technical education is very expensive as it is capital equipment based. Even though all the tiers of government in Nepal are interested in funding the course, such governments have approved lean resources to implement it. That is why there is inadequate flow of finance to purchase teaching and learning materials for training students right from the secondary level to that of the tertiary institutions.

Lack of economic self-reliance awareness: Many youths and adults do not know that vocational and technical education is the only branch of education that can provide gainful and immediate employment to graduates, and that liberal arts education only makes graduates to be job seekers. 

Inadequate workshops/laboratories for training: Laboratories/workshops, which house the tools, machines, and equipment for the training of students, are hardly available and the available ones are obsolete. 

Lack of appropriate trained personnel and rigid curriculum : requirement of vocational and technical education courses and programmes. If these problems would be addressed, our economy will surely be revamped.

Lack of Mobilization: There is also inadequate mass mobilization by way of publicity campaigns to raise awareness in vocational skill acquisition. This lack of mobilization and advocacy campaigns has tended to stunt the growth of vocational training education.

Problem of Teachers: Meritorious and able persons having received technical and vocational education are always after fat salaries and other material gains. They are not after teachership. Besides, sufficient respect is not accorded to teachers in society.

Consequently, such institutions are deprived of able and talented persons Government can solve this problem in attracting talented persons to be teachers in technical and vocational institutions. Teachers should be given decent pay packets and the society should respect these builders of men.

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B.V.Sc& A.H. and M.V.Sc.(Medicine) Instructor-Technical stream animal science, shree janta secondary technical school,Giddha,Dhanusha
