बुधबार, ०२ माघ २०८१

A Tool to Improve English Teaching

विहीबार, ३१ जेठ २०७५


At modern era English is a language that can be found from face book to textbook which makes easier to learn English language as it is a social media which is widely used to join people electronically. It isn’t just a great way to find old friends or to keep in touch with friends. Also one can acknowledge its excellent role in conveying verbal written messages and visuals.  In a more structured way it can be used at course level to build activities to argument face to face interaction.

The research that started in the fall 2016 showed that Face book has indeed a potential as a means for teachers to reach to their students and experiment with great learning methods. Teachers can utilize Facebook for class projects, for enhancing communication, and for engaging students in a manner that might not be entirely possible in traditional classroom settings.

Classroom practice

In grade 9 and 10, I created a Face book group which the class then joined. Students were asked to post a paragraph on the text they were reading that week to the group after they had completed the reading, focussing their comments on specific course aims. Students noted that they were socially motivated to complete the reading and that they heard from peers who generally didn’t participate in class discussion. In this way, Students were encouraged to post links to interesting articles, video and pictures in English onto the wall as well as commenting on each other’s posts. Facebook increased engagement with the course outside the classroom and facilitated communication among the students on topical subjects.

Strength of facebook

From a teaching perspective members can set up public or ‘closed’ groups. These are ideal for courses or departments wishing to exploit the benefits of the tool. Here are the benefits of using facebook.

Active participation

Most students are already users of Face book, so implementing it into class provides a comfortable way for students to participate in class actively.  The informality inherent in Face book’s connections lends to the reason students may be more willing to participate in class activities.  Shy Student who may not want to approach their teacher after class or during school hours use Facebook to communicate actively. When students are accessing the class content more often, that means they will be thinking about and engaging in the lessons more frequently and help to develop ELT. Students can have the ability to add their thoughts to the class any time they occur allows for more opportunities for brainstorming off each other. . Deadlines for essays, topical news items from around the internet can be shared and discussed quickly.

Language Development  

Facebook requires students to express themselves and communicate in a written format. While it might not be proper writing, it’s at least writing something which helps them to be familiar with ELT words.  Teacher has to encourage them to write correctly. Students learning a foreign language can connect with native speakers through groups or fan opportunities and can practice a foreign language. Students also can have access to guest speakers. Students can post their book reviews for their friends to read and can Share interesting websites which help in language development.

Reaching out to a student in need

It’s hard for many students to approach a teacher or even really reach out for help face-to-face. Through facebook student can contact teacher or can send message anytime. Students are happy by getting encouraging words from a teacher either on their page, or as a face-to-face follow up. One can send message from unexpected absences to rescheduling exams; it's easy to send messages through Facebook.

Promotes collaboration

Facebook’s design promotes social interchange between participants, thereby increasing collaboration between students working on activities.By engaging with “friends”, Face book users are horning the ways in which they can collaborate with others in groups. Schools should harness this to develop group collaboration skills and even project based learning activities that span subjects and grade levels.

Productive sharing

Students can share their work on Facebook such as an essay for the English class, quotation in English. The teacher can (and should) praise the students for their work or give constructive feedback for everybody to learn from. (Positive feedback is ALWAYS important here!) Additionally, their peers can view their work, comment on it, and create a better version of it.


Facebook, arguably the most famous social networking site, comes with its own pros and cons.  Many educators condemn Facebook for being a humongous distraction and waste of time for their students where as some are favour of it. It depends on as saying beauty lies in the eye of beholder. However, if used properly, Facebook can be a great tool to enhance the learning environment at school, college and university and beyond.

English teache, Shree Baljagriti yuwa barsha seconda, Hetauda
