शुक्रबार, ०१ चैत्र २०८१

Technical Education and Their Problems

सोमबार, २२ माघ २०७४

Technical education which provide practical knowledge and skill is known as technical is different from general makes learner well-skilled in the field of -

- Agriculture

- Animal science

- Civil Engineering

- Electrical Engineering

- Computer Engineering conducted by Ministry of Education, Nepal since BS. 2070.Recently this technical education is running in 275 schools in all over country.

As I am a instructor in Dhanusha district in 2 no.Pradesh.Here is details about Technical school conducted in 2 no.Pradesh.

Faculty distribution district wise

Name of District


Animal science …………… 1                                                                                         

Plant science ……………… 0                 

Civil Engineering………….  1

Electrical Engineering………1

Computer Engineering………3


Animal science ………….1

Plant science ……………..1

Civil Engineering…………2

Electrical Engineering…….2

Computer Engineering…….1


Animal science …………… 1

Plant science ………………  1

Civil Engineering……………1

Electrical Engineering……….2

Computer Engineering……….2


Animal science …………… .1

Plant science ………………  2

Civil Engineering…………..  2

Electrical Engineering……….2

Computer Engineering……….1


Animal science …………… 0

Plant science ………………  2

Civil Engineering…………  ..1

Electrical Engineering……….0

Computer Engineering……….3


Animal science …………… .0

Plant science ………………  0

Civil Engineering……………4

Electrical Engineering……….0

Computer Engineering……….2


Animal science …………… 1

Plant science ………………  1

Civil Engineering…………...0

Electrical Engineering………2

Computer Engineering………2


Animal science …………… 1

Plant science ……………… 0

Civil Engineering…………  1,Electrical Engineering……1, Computer Engineering…..3.

  • Total number of faculty in 2 No.Pradesh

  1. Animal science …………… 6

  2. Plant science ………………  8

  3. Civil Engineering………….. 12

  4. Electrical Engineering……....10

  5. Computer Engineering………15

      Total……………………………   51

  • Highest number of faculty count

Computer Engineering …….. 15

  • Lowest number of faculty count

Animal science  ……………… 6

Problems in Technical Education

Problem of funding

One of the many causes for the decline in standard of technical education has been shortage of Fund for spending in these inputs which contribute to improving standard such as-

  1. Library

We found there most of technical school has no well facilated library.technical teachers teach their student by searching the topics in internet in his own laptop whether some school provide the laptop or computer to the technical department and print their note books by their own fund.

  1. Laboratories

one of the major problem in most of technical school.there is no management of laboratory whether we all know that technical education is focus on practical knowledge.Although,Government of Nepal,Ministry of education provide sufficient fund for well lab management  and equipment for practical course,but we found there is few equipments in laboratories which is not sufficient for conducting the,standard of education is practical less and will produce skillless future manpower in country.Government of Nepal,Ministry of Education donot showing any interest in this issue so,we request please take an appropriate action as soon as possible.

  1. Problem of facilities

The salary,financial reward and benefits for the technical teachers is very low according to rising cost of living in Nepal.therefore,apporopriate action should be taken to provide an attractive and competitive salary,reasonable teaching and research assignment and fringe benefits to attract top ranking educator.Even some technical teachers complained that school administration not paying them Technical and expenditure allowance to the teachers

  1. Course and curriculum

The course and curriculum are not designed well and according to standard of higher education of the present day.

  1. Problems of management of Co-ordinator

Although Ministry of Education give direction to all school administrator for management of Co-ordinator in technical side but most of technical school are co-ordinated by general side teachers.Which has even not basic knowledge of technical.

- Note-Treat this matter urgently and take it on priority.

[email protected]

B.V.Sc& A.H. and M.V.Sc.(Medicine) Instructor-Technical stream animal science, shree janta secondary technical school,Giddha,Dhanusha
