आइतबार, २५ फागुन २०८१

About Us

Perspective and Participation


Formally registered in the Company Registrar Office of Nepal government under the Company Act, 2063 with 119584/070/071, P & P Multimedia Pvt. Ltd., is an established organization which basically works for the development of social and education sector focusing on 'perspective' and 'participation' (thus P& P) in the materials—print and electronic—materials it produces. To be more precise, it undertakes study and research on issues related to education and society for the publications in electronic and print media.

Medium to meet the target:

With an aim of making information accessible to the citizens, journalists working in education-beat for more than 15 years have been publishing education-focused e-paper  News related to policy and practice of education in Nepal, opinions and analysis, success stories are the basic features published in the aforementioned e-paper. Not only focused on the formal educational sectors like schools and universities, it brings forth the issues related to all forms of learning. Edukhabar has kept all kinds of learning—ranging from technical to professional, life-skills to experience sharing, experimental practices to reform-processes—in its priority. It duly respects and is loyal to the law of the country. It purely focuses on the reforms in education and is dedicated to publishing materials being precise and objective. After success of web portal we present Android App Edunepal

Target areas of the organization:

-Production of informative radio and television programs

-Production of Public Service Announcement PSA related to social issue, especially for governmental and non-governmental organizations

-Conducts studies and research on the areas which are of direct concern to general people on its own or with the help of the experts on the fields. The finding of the studies and researches will be published in print and electronic media

-Provides resources for the research on contemporary issues to researchers and scholars

-Produces documentaries, songs, advertisements, films, and recording of audio-visual materials

-Organizes programs for mutual sharing of experiences and earned-efficiencies among professionals working in national and international organizations

-Organizes exchange-programs among communication-experts of different countries.

Our works:

  1. Education Based web portal : Register with Department of Information and Broadcasting, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Reg No.55/073/074) 
  2. Android App Edunepal:A Complete Education Digest.
  3. Remote Learning Program for School Children in Nepal (Support to Student Learning through Interactive Voice Response System IVR) with the support of  Monash University, Australia. 
  4. Education on the Election Agenda: The Joint Campaign of the Center for Educational Policies and Practices CEPP and Edukhabar.  
  5. Radio program production and broadcasting to sustain children's learning through audio during the COVID with the support of Save the children Nepal.
  6. Interactions have been conducted with the participation of experts on contemporary issues of education.
    - The last interaction focused on budget formulation. A virtual meeting was held due to the Corona crisis. The views of the subject matter experts expressed at the meeting have been handed over to the Prime Minister, Finance Minister and Education Minister.
  7. Weekly education analysis of the print media with the aim of advocating policy makers and education-related personalities. 
  8. Disseminating information on targets of SDG Goal 4 through radio broadcast and online portal with the support of UNESCO, Kathmandu.
  9. Providing a collective suggestions to the High Level National Education Commission, conducted a discussion with the education stakeholders on the issue of Curriculum, together with National Campaign for Education-Nepal (NCE - Nepal) 
  10. Engage Media campaign on Impact of ‘tax exemption and investment on education’ with the support of ActionAid Nepal
  11. Coordination to broadcast PSA from 5 districts, on the issue of Children as Zones of Peace. For National Coalition for Children as Zones of Peace and Child Protection (CZOPP).
  12. Disseminate Learning materials for SLC preparing students through App with the support of Ministry of Education, National Center for Educational Development NCED.
  13. Produced and broadcasted a Radio Show :Education in Federalismin different two stage one is in the time of draft constitution was prepared by the Constituent Assembly and second was after making constitutionthrough8 different FM stations with the support of UNESCO, Kathmandu.
  14. Produced the Public Service Announcement (PSA)’s to help students overcome the trauma and return back to their schools after the recent earthquake in Nepal for Department of Education and Education Cluster.  (International agencies working with it) with the support of National Campaign for Education-Nepal (NCE - Nepal). 
  15. Produced and collaborated the transmission of Public Service Announcement (PSA)’sregarding the educational classes offered by the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) for Karnali region and Tarai districts and by 27 radio stations all over country about scholarship of Technical Education and Vocational Training by CTEVT.
  16. Prepared a television program targeting youths for the Enhanced Vocational Education and Training Project (EVENT) of the government of Nepal, Ministry of Education.
  17. Coordinate and organize several types of dialogue/ round table discussionon the issues of public education.

Our audience:

Our audience is basically comprised of parents, students, and teachers, active governmental and non-governmental organizations working in education sector, policy makers, and education foundations.  Since education cannot be isolated from the larger society, the e-paper is directly and indirectly concerned to the larger society. We believe that the basis of our strength is information. Information can be disseminated through different media.

Facts about us : is visited by in about twenty-five thousand concerned people per day. Our Facebook page is liked by near about Fourty six thousand FB users. Five thousand users are connected to our Facebook account. We are associated with different FB Groups and directly have access to more than seventy thousand users. Our Twitter Handle has more then Eight thousand Eight hundred followers. Through the social networks, we have access to 1.35 lakhs educational stakeholders. And more than ten thousand have already downloaded the edunepal app. It’s a big WOW to us. 

Human Resource:

This organization is initiated and run by the journalists who have more than a decade of experience of reporting and writing in education-beat. They have been writing for mainstream press and electronic media. All of these reporters and writers have raised issues pertinent to education sector in Nepal. The human resource will be working for the achievement of the set target focusing basically on: the ongoing preparations on the policy level, basic demands of the people on the local-level, the political stances of the political parties of the country, and the researches done by the experts on the field.


- National Education Award - 2017 ( Awarded by Ministry of Education, Department of Education-Nepal and Federation of Nepali Journalists)

Executive Chairperson / Editor
Shreedhar Paudel
Mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
Mobile : 9841296764

Executive Editor
Makar Shrestha
Mail : [email protected] 
[email protected] 

(Perspective and Participation)
Lalitpur Metropolitan City -14
Shovahiti, Lalitpur, Nepal
[email protected]

Contact office
Buddhanagar, Kathmandu