आइतबार, ०६ असोज २०८१
शिक्षामा यो साता

Exam mania continues

शुक्रबार, १२ भदौ २०७७

Kathmandu - The media have raised questions on the evaluation done by schools. A daily reported on its front page that this year 9,319students obtained GPA 4 in SEE, whereas only 106 students were last year. 1,554 students obtained GPA 4 in Kathmandu alone, whereas there were 52 students last year. PABSON Chairperson quoted that less learning and far better result is not natural: this has raised question on the quality of teachers and schools rather than of the students. Multiple blogs, opinions, letters to editor and articles on SEE results were covered in the media this week.

The headline further reported, the basis for enrolling students to grade 11 has been specified to implement the new curriculum.Whereas, a letter to the editor mentioned that some private schools have called for admission according to the old curriculum as soon as the results were made public. Students have to obtain a minimum GPA 1.6 and minimum grade D+ in English, Math and Science for the admission for grade 11. Concerns were raised as the government decision may disqualify over 26,000 SEE students to get admission in Grade 11. This is year, no grade improvement- supplementary exam are offered like last year. The irony is that the grading system was adopted a few years ago in order to eliminate the trend of labeling people 'fail' causing pyscho-social stress to parents and students.

The headline reported that the NEB hasn't started printing grade sheets even a week after the SEE results due to lack of necessary materials.The media also reported that 21 students studying 18 month agriculture JTA under the technical education program run at Guras Secondary School in Madhuwan Municipality, Bardiya district were disqualified due to the negligence done by school and external supervisor while sending practical marks. The article about status of education in Terai was also reported in the media. 

The news also reported that the suspended examinations of the universities will be conducted before Dashain Festival. In a virtual discussion held by the NYC on Monday, the vice-chancellors stated that homework is being done to conduct the examination by alternative method.

The media is the reflection of the society. The intensity and volume of coverage in the media indicates how much our society attaches importance to exams. It may be a necessary ritual in educational management but over focus on exam results hinders learning rather than promoting it as exams are inevitably based on testing one's memory. Disproportional score of GPA 4 in comparison to the last year tell us that getting a high score is not proportional related to learning but depends on other mechanisms. Of course, it is a big blow to those who advocated for giving the authority of assessment to schools. It is for the same reason that admission to higher grades should not depend on the scores alone. Moreover, there was change in grading system for numerals to letters. It may have given some comfort to the teachers as precise assessment is very difficult. Otherwise, it does not make students a meaningful difference whether they are graded by numbers or letters as long as the importance to the exams given so high. What needed was the change in the system of examination that could demand thinking from the students rather than spewing what they have swallowed from the books. Of course, it does not mean that concerned authorities meddle with results and admission procedures affecting time and investment of the students and their parents.

Other news included about emergency situation in education caused by landslides, floods and covid-19- The news reported that Kailash Dev Schools in Tajakot RM, Humla district was being used as shelter for landslide and flood victims. According to vice-chairperson of Tajakot RM, around 600 families are affected by landslide and flood. The media also reported that a memorandum was submitted by Mahabudhha Secondary School of Namkha RM to the DAO, Humladistrict alleging that the Namkha RM jeopardized the health of teachers and students by opening the school in the time of pandemic. However, according to the Chair of Namkha RM, school was run as Namkha RM was safe.

The media reported that the 90% community schools in Baglung districts are teaching using alternative methods as the school is not operational due to the fear of the spread of Covid-19. It also reported that Shiva Secondary School in Galkot Municipality has identified 11 study centers to facilitate students in teaching and learning. The school has been teaching from 10 am to 1 pm every day at 11 places in the service area.

Picture: Students line up for morning prayers in Dhuli Secondary School, Saipal Rural Municipality in Bajhang district. Despite COVID cases in the region, the schools have been operated since Baisakh, 2077 B.S after the parents gave pressure to the rural municipality to run them. Due to no Yarsha collection this year, the enrollment of students has increased by 15% compared to the previous year. Picture from Kantipur Daily posted on 19 August 2020. 

The news reported that the government is preparing to deploy school teachers in contact tracing as the Ministry of Health has written to the Ministry of Education seeking permission to deploy 'leisurely' teachers in contact tracing. 

Teachers have been at the central stage of controversy in recent days. While government is general has neglected the issue of education by not paying attention to the teachers, they have continued being paid. Of course many other government and non-government staff are paid too. So, in this connection, a common policy needs to be adapted by the government what level of wages to be paid if they are working and what if they are not for survival. If the government wishes to continue paying both teachers and government staff, it also has to create a job providing basic security measures. Since, there is enough work of teaching students, government employees also can be deployed in teaching. They can do contract-tracing together. Still the salary is considered for the loyalty to the government rather than for working. At any case, teachers should be employed for education related jobs rather than other.

Other news of the week are: In the front page, the future of 500 Nepali studying medical educations is in doubt was reported as they cannot return to China. The campus chief of Himalaya Kiran Campus being arrested on charges of vandalizing an isolation ward set up to keep corona infected in Sankhuwasabha district but the reason was not classified. It also reported that health supplies were also missing. A news feature reported that 16 central department of different faculties in TU are renovating their premises and maintain greenery for quality to meet QAA criteria. QAA helps to get different services from Higher Education Reform Project from UGC. A blog highlighted the unfair wages and lack of services for partial teacher in TU affiliated Campuses was reported. An article claiming Universities reproducing discrimination was also reported.

GPA- Grade Point Average, PABSON – Private and Boarding Schools' Organization Nepal, SEE- Secondary Education Examination, NEB- National Examination Board, RM- Rural Municipality, DAO- District Administration Office, QAA- Quality Assurance and Accreditation, UGC- University Grants Commission, TU- Tribhuvan University, NYC- National Youth Council, JTA- Junior Technical Assistant, COVID- Corona Virus Disease

'Education this Week' is a joint effort to analyze the press coverage of education in Nepal’s selected print media published in Kathmandu. The main aim of this effort is to identify and explain major education issues picked up by the media and give back and foreground of the news. This, we believe, will help policy makers and other responsible people to keep abreast with ongoing concerns and discussions on and around education. EduKhabar, in collaboration with the Center for Educational Policies and Practices (CEPP) , has produced this analysis based on the news printed in Kantipur (Nepali) and The Himalayan Times (English), Dailies and online news portal SetoPati, NayaPatrika and My Republica between 19-25 August, 2020 (3-9 Bhadra, 2077) - Editor.

Read this analysis in Nepali : निरन्तर परीक्षाकै चर्चा
