आइतबार, ०६ असोज २०८१
शिक्षामा यो साता

Exam News week !

शुक्रबार, ०५ भदौ २०७७

Kathmandu -  This week in the media, results of SEE published by NEB were reported in the headlines and front pages.  News reported that this year 4, 82,000 students filled the form to appear in SEE and results of 4, 72, and 078 was published, the remainder were disqualified for various reasons. Articles were also published regarding results of SEE.

According to the media, although the Grade 10 results have been published, the government directed colleges not to start admission for Grade 11 until further notice. The news reported the GPA details have not been disclosed in the results this year and there will be no exam reviews and re-examinations this time.A headline of major daily reported, as per the decision of the government, the internal assessment was done by the school of SEE and the NEB certified the evaluation of the school and the results were made public.
TU has decided to postpone all its examination programs until further notice and Office of the Controller of Examinations (OCE) was reported of the delegation of the authority for examinations to the Dean's Offices for the threat of Covid-19 has increased- the news reported. Earlier, OCE was reported preparing for the examinations and publishing the results of different semesters, academic levels and years of different faculties during the ongoing lockdown. According to the news, only the results of eight examinations held before the lockdown need to be published. Shortly after postponing examinations, it was notified that all the regular services of institution of TU are to remain closed from August 17 till August 31, except the services of hospitals under them. However, the teachers and staffs are asked to be in touch with Campuses Chiefs as staffs work from home and teachers conduct virtual classes. 

Exam seasons are the news feast for the media. While it is natural to have more news on the subjects of human interest, it does not indicate how much our education system is exam centered. It covers other issues of education. Exams are only the frame of education and often the essence is missed. The media or the society in general does not come to the level of discussing the essentials of education. There is a race for scores rather than on learning. We have learnt that number of students obtaining GPA 4 has increased by several thousand times in comparison to previous year. It reveals; a) exam marks are not objective and do not represent the level of learning, b) scores matter more than learning for everybody, c) scores are the commodities for trade particularly by the private educators and d) this may give excuse for the control of examination by the authorities. Although its global phenomena, a sweeping statement can be made that the more people are serious about exams, the less is the learning. It's because exams test memorization rather than learning and creativity.

The follow-up news about the arrest of NSUcadres in Kathmandu and Birgunj were in the media. There was a headline as NSU locking down campuses across the country. The news reported they have demanded immediate release of student leaders arrested in Kathmandu and Birgunj and dismissal of false charges. The NSU has also demanded an end to political affiliation at Tribhuvan University and immediate appointment of officials at universities including Pokhara. Furthermore, poor condition of newly built TU Vice-Chancellor's building, Rector’s building and the main gates that were built at a cost of 150 million, 100 million and 6.6 million respectively was report in the front page. There was also an editorial on ongoing political partition and political interest inside TU. An editorial discussed that as long as the overall leadership process of the university is not selected on the basis of academic contribution and excellence, the condition of our higher education is certain to continue to suffer. There was also an article dedicated to discuss the need for change in higher education by reorganizing and reforming the system during this epidemic. 

The news this week also reported that a nine-member task force has been formed to transform Dharan-based BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences to a university be the decision of the 44th Senate chaired by the Minister for Health and Population. 

Besides the news reported that the Minister for MoEST directed the Vice Chancellors of all the universities in online meeting organized by the University Grants Commission on Sunday to make the Covid-19 centered academic calendar and work schedule within a week for at least six months.  Education sector is engulfed by the havoc of Covid-19. 
Prohibition order not to operate educational institutions in Kathmandu Valley by CDOs, of Kathmandu Valley was reported by the media that violators can be jailed upto 1 month. 
Picture: Children wearing masks study at a teaching and learning center run by Shiva Secondary School at Galkot-8 Kandebas in Baglung_Kantipur Daily

Similarly, the media reported that the government includes information about Covid-19 on the cover of the school text books in schools to raise awareness about the corona virus. The news was reported that the Government brought the directive to run classes through alternative methods from June 15. However, the news reported that the alternative classes are not yet recognized part of academic requirements in schools by the Government. 

In present context, the Government is unable to provide clear direction to run the new academic session yet. SMCs, parents and students are confused by changing decision of the Government. Combination of immature decision of the Cabinet, irresponsible NEB, self-made criteria for internal assessment by Schools and missing GPA details decreased the validity and reliability of the exam that may have impact on students' career and morale badly. This is not what parents and student want at the first place. Secondly, TU raised/promoted students in higher class/grade and started new virtual classes without taking examinations which is a kind of relief to the students for short time. However, TU still hasn't addressed the Masters' final year and semester students, who should have completed masters' by now.  Now the question is if the government itself is confused and incapable to address the problem inside our education system ?

SEE- Secondary Education Examination, GPA- Grade Point Average, SIM- Subscriber Identity Module, CDO- Chief District Officer, DAO- District Administration Office, NSU- Nepal Students' Union, PU- Pokhara University, TU-Tribhuvan University, CTEVT- Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training, ANM- Auxiliary Nurse Midwife, CMA- Community Medical Assistant, UN- United Nation, CPN- Communist Party of Nepal, KMC- Kathmandu Metropolitan City, OCE- Office of Controller of Examinations, SMC- School Management Committee

'Education this Week' is a joint effort to analyze the press coverage of education in Nepal’s selected print media published in Kathmandu. This week, reports included online portals SetoPati, NayaPatrika and My Republica. The main aim of this effort is to identify and explain major education issues picked up by the media and give back and foreground of the news. This, we believe, will help policy makers and other responsible people to keep abreast with ongoing concerns and discussions on and around education. EduKhabar, in collaboration with the Center for Educational Policies and Practices (CEPP) , has produced this analysis based on the news printed in Kantipur (Nepali) and The Himalayan Times (English), Dailies and online news portal SetoPati, NayaPatrika and My Republica between 12-18 August, 2020 (28 Shrawan- 2 Bhadra, 2077) - Editor.

Read this analysis in Nepali : साता भरी शिक्षा, परीक्षा केन्द्रित विषय
